Help us understand your needs, interests and any current efforts you take related to the responsible production and sourcing of recycled metals and receive the Roundtable report.
Aimed at any organisation which uses recycled metals in its value chain or has an interest in responsible metals recycling, survey responses will be anonymised and analysed. The results will help inform our landscaping work and Working Groups, which will be active between September and November 2023.
Outputs of these will build into a roadmap with recommendations to support the development and provision of appropriate standards, systems, guidance, policy and tools for the responsible production and sourcing of recycled metals. These will be summarised in a report to be published in early 2024.
We will send you the report on publication. The survey also includes an opportunity to indicate if you wish to participate in a Working Group and how you wish to engage with the Roundtable - actively or be kept informed. It should take you about 13 minutes to complete.
The survey closes on August 31st 2023. You may reach the survey from the link below: